About Me

Hi I’m Gavin. Over the past twenty years I have built, raced and owned pretty much every jap performance car on the market.

Over the years I have competed in everything from street racing to grass track racing and I can confidently say I have experienced everything a car could possibly have to throw at us, weather it be good, bad or ugly.

After years of building and breaking them I have gotten to know pretty much everything there is to know. After spending countless hours over the years crawling through un-helpful webpages trying to find the answer to whichever problem I might have, I decided that the world needs a reliable website that explains things in simple terms without the fluff.

This is what gave me the inspiration to start BackyardBuildz.com, because I know it can be hard to find trustworthy advice from someone with hands on experience who cares about your car as much as you do.

I started out fixing trucks with my dad when I was a kid after school and weekends. This got me hooked and I have been working on anything with an engine since. Those were the days before the internet and definitely before diagnostics, so things were a little more trial end error.

But looking back I wouldn’t have it any other way because I was able to learn the old school tricks of the trade without depending on anyone else to fix it. Luckily now you can rely on me.